The 7 Chakras

It’s no secret that the obstacles of daily life take a toll on us all. This is why it is important to prioritize self-care as a way to relax and rejuvenate. One way of doing this is opening your 7 major chakras, which are known to have great powers to improve your mind-body connection. 

What are Chakras and their Benefits?

Chakras are where we receive and distribute our life’s energies; concentrated centers that align down the center of the body - from the base of the pelvic floor to the crown of the head. Chakras are energy centers in our bodies, and while a majority of our energy goes unseen or is unmeasurable with our five senses, keeping our chakras activated and balanced has long been known to have immense positive outcomes for our well-being. 

What are the 7 Chakras?

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Color: Red

Location: Base of spine/pelvic floor

The root chakra is all about our physical body, materials needs, and security. By opening this chakra, you will take more effective and inspired actions, as well as feel more confident, safe, and financially secure.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

Color: Orange

Location: Abdomen

This area has a hand in determining your emotion and feelings, while also representing creativity, sensuality, sexual flow, and fertility of ideas. With this chakra opened, you will feel a healthier self-image and take on changes with increased ease.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Color: Yellow Location: Above naval but below ribs

All of the digesting of your food and ideas is happening in the solar plexus chakra. How you pick up information and process it, belief systems, inner chatter, all happens here. You will experience increased clarity and courage when this chakra is opened, as well as a feeling of confident humility. 

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Color: Green

Location: Physical heart space

The heart chakra, to no surprise, is the center of love, connection, relationships, and bonding. When you open this chakra, your relationships will flow more easily, the capacity for forgiveness and compassion will increase, and you will feel more self-love. 

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Color: Blue Location: Throat/neck/upper shoulders

Where we speak, sing, and think. The throat chakra is the center for communication. Activating the throat chakra will open the ability to live more freely and authentically.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Color: Violet

Location: Brow area

The third eye chakra connects directly to the pituitary gland, the gland which dictates what your hormones are doing. This energy center will involve a lot of brain activity and has a big impact on self-perception. When this chakra is activated, you will feel more in tune with your intuition and a new sense of clarity.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Color: White

Location: Center of the brain

The crown shakra is the center of our spirit. It is considered the entry point for human life force, and in turn majorly influences our major body systems. Opening this chakra leads to greater attunement of one’s self, as well as a greater sense of humanitarianism and development of transcendent ideas. 


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