Today, on Saturday, October 14th, 2023 the moon will create an annular solar eclipse. The annular solar eclipse will cause the moon to appear just a bit smaller than the sun creating a fiery ring of light around the edge of the moon. A solar eclipse is a more powerful and transformative event than a regular New Moon. Eclipse energy can be disruptive, but it can also be a catalyst for positive change.

The New Moon in Libra is a time for new beginnings in the areas of relationships, beauty, self-love and justice. Libra is a sign of balance, diplomacy, and fairness, so this is a good time to set intentions around creating or restoring harmony in your life.

As this New Moon Eclipse is ruled by Venus, grant yourself permission to simply exist instead of trying to take charge of Life. Typically, at the heart of Venus is the willingness to surrender to all the soft and sharp edges when it comes to matters of love. Make time to sit with your soft spots first, allowing you space to enter into the harder spots after.

Here are some ways to work with the energy of the New Moon in Libra:

  • Reevaluate your relationships. Are you in any relationships that are out of balance? Are you giving more than you're receiving? This is a good time to have honest conversations with your partners about what you need and want.

  • Set intentions for new relationships. If you're single, this is a good time to visualize the kind of relationship you want to attract. Think about the qualities that are important to you in a partner, and write them down.

  • Tune into your inner Aphrodite. Libra is a sign of aesthetics & beauty, so this is a good time to pamper yourself and focus on your appearance. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure. She inspires us to see the beauty in all things & to be confident in our sensuality.

  • Conscious communication. Libra is ruled by the element of air. This is the perfect time to clear the air in your relationships, or at least discuss matters that have been weighing on your mind. Perhaps, we’ll all be reminded that the true testament of a strong connection is how much honesty can be shared.

  • Stand up for justice. Libra is also a sign of justice and equality. This is a good time to get involved in a cause that you care about, or to speak up against injustice.

Here is a ritual you can do on the New Moon in Libra:

  1. Gather some candles, incense, and crystals (if you have them).

  2. Set up your altar in a quiet space where you won't be disturbed.

  3. Light your candles and incense, and take a few minutes to center yourself.

  4. Close your eyes and visualize the kind of harmony and balance you want to create in your life.

  5. Once you have a clear vision, open your eyes and write down your intentions on a piece of paper.

  6. Fold the paper in half and tuck it under your pillow.

  7. Say a prayer or affirmation to your higher power, asking for support in achieving your intentions.

  8. Take some time to relax and meditate before going to sleep.

The New Moon in Libra is a powerful time to set intentions for new beginnings in the areas of relationships, beauty, communication and justice. By working with the energy of this eclipse, you can create a more harmonious and balanced life for yourself.


